Krymsky Val, hall 38 Getting here. Opening times

Boris Orlov. Sportswomen Parade
2000-2012. Collection of Sh.Breus 

Boris Orlov (born in 1941) - a well-known Russian artist and sculptor, is one of the leading representatives of the sots art.
The name of the project points on something lost, but constantly reminding about itself. Actually B.Orlov meant the Soviet epoch: it was lost, but became a fruitful source of inspiration for the artist. The main theme of his creativity was the Soviet time. In his works Boris Orlov "clears away" the memoirs on the Soviet empire, its cultural and social codes, deconstructs the old myths and creates the new ones. In the two parts of this project - "Ruthless Kronos" and "Restoration Experiences" - the artist addresses the theme of heroism, trying to define its modern meaning.
The exposition includes 24 works: sculptures, paintings and wall reliefs. The project is realised in common with the Artchronika Cultural Fundation.

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